Data quality
NO more
“Garbage in, garbage out”
- Improve your client satisfaction and sales efficiency by applying data quality solutions throughout your operational processes: normalization, matching, validation, identification
- Support your important business, sales, BI and strategical decisions by installing an adequate omnichannel single customer view
- Improve your GDPR compliance by deploying our European regulation module
What is your challenge?
Select a solution area based on your needs
Enhance your cross-channel marketing strategy, using all your available and appropriate customer data
- Setup an omnichannel single customer view and manage your channel preferences correctly
- Make sure the quality of your contact points is adequate
- Linking all available data will support you in creating the correct segmentation to support efficient marketing actions
Improve your new client onboarding through real time verification
- Use customer integration in your master data management approach
- Establish real time, qualitative links with existing data in your client database to support differentiated communication.
- Verify the quality of your data as of data entry, to maximize the value of customer data
Support your company’s GDPR compliance
- Be GDPR compliant ‘by design’ and ‘by default’, thanks to our GDPR module
- Support your obligations to make sure personal data are accurate, including awareness of data quality issues and related solutions
- Creation of a single customer view supports your data subject request management
Increase the value of your customer experience
- Ensure quality of personalization of your client communication through data normalization & data validation tools
- Limit costs and client frustrations by deduplicating your data at the right level
- Make sure your postal addresses are up to date in a proactive & automated approach